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GPT And FPT Testing

What Are GPT and FPT? GPT and FPT are terms that are frequently used in the garment and textile industries. Basically, the GPT term is

By apparelscience
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Calculating Garment Thread Consumption

Sewing thread plays a very important part in apparel manufacturing. You have to calculate sewing thread consumption for costing as

By apparelscience

9 Point Calibration of Needle/Metal Detection Machine

In the garment and apparel industry, metal detecting machines are generally utilized to detect needles and small metal parts that

By apparelscience

Stitching Sustainability: UN SDGs and the Evolution of Ethical Garment Manufacturing

Introduction In recent years, the global garment industry has undergone a transformative shift towards sustainability, aligning itself with the United

By apparelscience

Automatic Jeans Pocket Setter With Two Machine Heads

Pfaff automatic jeans pocket setter is a compact and elaborate unit in which ensures consistent high quality and high output.

By apparelscience

Understanding Denim Weight: A Comprehensive Guide to Denim Fabric Weights and How to Calculate Them

Denim fabric weight is an important factor to consider when choosing the right denim for your project. In this guide,

By apparelscience