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Denim fabric weight is an important factor to consider when choosing the right denim for your project. In this guide,…
Production Floor Capacity Calculation The capacity calculation is an important topic in the garment industry. For industrial engineers, supervisors, and…
Sweater, outer garment, usually knitted or crocheted, worn on the upper part of the body, either over the head or…
If you are textile industry personnel, students and enthusiasts to learn more and looking for insightful, practical and useful Apparel,…
The European Parliament, in its plenary session on 1 June 2023, took a significant step forward by adopting a resolution…
When a buyer purchases items from a supplier, a quality inspection may/will be performed to confirm the quality of the…
Sewing thread plays a very important part in apparel manufacturing. You have to calculate sewing thread consumption for costing as well as for the procurement…
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