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Coats Seamworks 3 is an innovative desktop software package designed to help you accurately calculate your thread usage and cost.…
Introduction In today's fast-paced fashion industry, reducing waste and improving efficiency are key challenges that manufacturers face. The cutting room,…
Bow: When weft yarns are even at two edges but arched across the middle is known as Bow. Bowing is…
JUKI Corporation and YKK Corporation have jointly developed an automatic machine for sewing zippers into the flies of jeans. The…
The fashion industry has long been grappling with the environmental consequences of its practices, particularly concerning plastic waste. While recycling…
Fabric contributes to approximately 50-60% of the total garment cost, making it crucial to the entire garment production process. Garment…
One of the most fundamental criteria for developing a successful firm is eliminating unproductive tasks (wastes). This concept is a key component of Lean thinking,…
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