Production Floor Capacity Calculation
The capacity calculation is an important topic in the garment industry. For industrial engineers, supervisors, and production managers it is very important to know the production floor capacity to plan their production efficiently. Calculation of production floor capacity is extremely straightforward however you should know the line efficiency. This article will help you to understand How to Calculate the production capacity of a factory, floor, or production line.
The other important factor to calculate floor capacity is manpower absenteeism %.
Production Capacity per Day= {(No. of machine x daily work hours x 60) – manpower absenteeism %} x Efficiency %
(You can calculate efficiency in minutes or hours.)
Monthly Production Floor Capacity = Daily Capacity X No. of working days in a month
To calculate the production floor efficiency, first line-wise efficiency should be calculated and the sum of this will be the floor efficiency.
Example: A production floor has 6 lines, works for 8 hours daily. Manpower absenteeism and production floor efficiency specified underneath in the table.
Line No | Total Operators | Daily working hours x 60 | Absenteeism | Line Efficiency | Line Capacity |
1 | 40 | 480 | 7% | 60% | 10713.6 |
2 | 30 | 480 | 5% | 50% | 6840 |
3 | 30 | 480 | 10% | 55% | 7128 |
4 | 35 | 480 | 8% | 60% | 9273.6 |
5 | 40 | 480 | 9% | 60% | 10483.2 |
6 | 35 | 480 | 10% | 50% | 7560 |
51998.4 |
In the above example, the production floor capacity is 51998. If you have the SAM value of the product you can represent capacity in the pieces also. Just divide the total capacity by SAM value .
For instance, the SAM estimation of a pant is 35, So the floor will produce 51998.4/35 = 1486 Pcs each working day.
Very good information, need to know more about the costing
Important information about stitching floor capacity.